Sunday, August 31, 2014

Connective tissue

This is a picture of an ear. The outside of an ear is completely made up of cartilage, which is connective tissue. Connective tissues are the parts of the body that bind and support other body tissues and organs. Cartilage is a type of connective tissue that is tough, semi-transparent, elastic and flexible that is found in the outside of the ear.

Dominant vs. Recessive Phenotype

This is a picture of my family, my niece and my sister. My niece (left) has blue eyes and blonde hair, which represents the recessive phenotypes. While my sister (right) has brown eyes and brown hair, which represents the dominant phenotypes. A phenotype are all of the observable and physical characteristics of an organism. Dominant phenotypes appear more often then recessive. Blonde hair and blue eyes, like my niece, are rare compared to my sister's brown eyes and brown hair. I have brown eyes and blonde hair, so i have both recessive and dominant phenotypes.

Vestigial Structure

This is a picture of a person's plica semilunaris, but it is most commonly referred to as the third eyelid. The plica semilunaris is the small fold of tissue located on the inside corner of your eye. A third eye is an example of a vestigial structure. A vestigial structure is a body part or organ that has lost its original function as the species has evolved over time. A third eyelid is is a vestigial structure because the original purpose was to insure that the eye remains moist. As time progressed the third eyelid has decreased in size, which causes it to be unable to fulfill its original purpose.

Thursday, August 28, 2014


This is a picture of an earthworm. An earthworm is an example of a detritivore.  A detritivore is a very important animal and crucial to every ecosystem because it feeds on the waste of decomposing matter. Earthworms help breakdown dead leaves and help the soil receive crucial nutrients that is returned back into the soil.


 This is a picture of a snail. A snail has an exoskeleton. An exoskeleton is an external skeleton that supports and protects an animal's body. A snail has the large shell on its back that supports and protects it body from its outside surroundings. 

Territorial Behavior

This is a picture of a dog. A dog can be seen as possessing territorial behavior. Territorial behavior is a method by which an animal protects their territory from outside species. A dog is widely known as having protective instincts - a.k.a. barking at mail men or other noises, and snarling. We even promote their domineer with the use of the "beware of dog signs" that warn strangers of their aggressive behavior.

Homologous Structures

This is a picture of a feline species. A feline has four legs, which are also considered homologous structures. Homologous structures are structures that come from a common ancestor or the same origin. These structures are common features found in a variety of species, such as a human's arm, a bat's wing, a whale's fin or even a cat's leg.